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Here you will find our latest news and updates on what is happening in Nordic Green Recycling and the industry in general.

Tobias hastbacka ngr

Sustainable Economy and Reuse in the Construction Sector – The Importance of Looking Ahead

During an extended period of economic downturn, many construction companies have faced declining demand and rising costs. It’s easy to understand the temptation to hold back on investments and focus on survival. However, simply weathering the storm without embracing change presentss a significant risk, says Tobias Hästbacka, CEO of Nordic Green Recycling. The global shift … Read more
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Waasa Energy Week – the importance of networking

EnergyWeek is an annual event that attracts energy industry experts from around the world to Vaasa to network and hear about the latest news and most interesting innovations in the field. In March, NGR participated in Waasa Energy Week for the first time, where the goal is to bring together knowledge, inspiration, and future perspectives … Read more
Nordic green recycling jan wallin

Meet Jan Wallin, NGR’s new product manager

A new step in his career was what attracted Jan Wallin when he was offered the position as product manager at NGR. This led to Wallin, after many years in the insurance industry, taking on a new role in a growing company on November 6th . Wallin brings valuable experience in customer relations, leadership, and … Read more
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Hästbacka: it took off faster than I dared to believe.

In a time when environmental challenges are becoming increasingly pressing, it’s important to see opportunities in the problems we face. One of these opportunities is to start companies that contribute to a sustainable future. That’s what NGR’s CEO Tobias Hästbacka thought when he started a company in 2020 that dared to believe in tomorrow. It … Read more